Early Morning Musings

So I woke up around 5 this morning. I think it’s because I went to bed so early. I’m okay with it, really. I like when I can wake up not tired.

I woke up thinking about my tinker world novel. This was my interpretation of Steampunk, and I rather liked it. It just never went anywhere. This something I’d like to fix. I’ll add it to a growing list of novels I’ve had in the air for a while.

The thing with me is that I tend to get bored working on just one project. I’d make an awful professional author, I think. You know the ones who have deadlines for a specific book? It’s probably a good thing I am self-published.

I abhor writing on deadlines. That’s probably why I ended up quitting the paper here at Meadow Oaks. I was just done. Every time I turned around something wasn’t going right, and I just got frustrated. I’m definitely more of a write when the mood strikes type person.

That’s probably another reason why traditional, “update your blog this number of times a week” formats didn’t work for me. Which is why I switched to this method, and so far it’s working out much better.

Time for me to get to work on some small chores before my friends get here to pick me up for coloring club and an afternoon of fun! Will write more about this later. 🙂


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